Rapid Action Incident Deployment (R.A.I.D)

Rapid Action Incident Deployment (R.A.I.D)

Formed in mid 2011 under the highest secrecy levels afforded by NATO and contributing counties, R.A.I.D units are intended to address the “non-standard” assignments that are cropping up across the world in increasing numbers.

Led by the steadfast Commander Gene Charles R.A.I.D. Units have already been called to several incidents which fell outside established operating parameters. Building on the success of the SPECON project, R.A.I.D teams are assembled from the finest specialists the world has to offer. Each R.A.I.D unit is capable of operating independently in extreme conditions and has the equipment and training to successfully deal with exceptional circumstances.

Charles’ R.A.I.D. Units are the first to have been assigned the Gamma class Heavy Combat Exoskletal Battle Suit (H-CEBS) for use in the field.