
  • faqs

    What does ‘Respawn’ mean in Airsoft?

    This term is applied to game rules, it refers to ‘what happens when you die’. A Respawn usually means you…

  • faqs

    What is a ‘Pyro’ in Airsoft?

    A general term used for any type of pyrotechnic, this is most commonly a low-yield ‘flashbang’ grenade which looks like…

  • faqs

    What are ‘Medic Rules’ in Airsoft?

    This term is a blanket term applied to either individuals or special rules which allow ‘healing’ fellow players during the…

  • faqs

    What type of eye protection is best for Airsoft?

    Specialist goggles, otherwise known as ‘shooting glasses’ which provide full coverage protection over the eyes from BBs. This is the…

  • faqs

    How long do games last?

    Games will run up to 60 minutes (but not over) and we will be keeping score throughout the day with…

  • faqs

    What type of games do you run?

    Since we have bunkers and open areas, dense and sparse woodland, hills and valleys and close-action areas with lots of…

  • faqs

    What happens when I get shot?

    When you play, you will get shot; it’ll happen at some point. In most games when you are hit you…

  • faqs

    Do I need to wear face protection?

    Facemasks or goggles must worn to protect the eyes. Please let us know in advance if you will need these…