Sunday, 20th December 2020 08:30 – 14:30

Hire Gun Package Details:

Total price £30. Pay 50% (£15) deposit now online when you book your ticket and 50% (£15) cash on the day. Your deposit reserves your Gun, ammo and facemask which will be given to you on the day along with training on how to use the equipment safely.

Please note:

We will not accept any Hire Gun booking where the deposit has not been paid.

Site Rules:

Please be sure that you have read our site rules and our COVID-19 Safety Precautions and requirements before booking.

The Story

Well we have nearly Reached the end of 2020, with only one game left for this year

Its been a hell of a year for everyone, but we managed to put on some fantastic games with some awesome players


We have one last game before we break for Christmas (back on the 17th of Jan 2021)

Sunday the 20th of December – X-MAS SHOOT

This game will be at a discounted price of £20 walk on or £30 hire

we will start an the normal time (gates open at 8:30) but we will finish a little earlier at 2:30pm for a Bring and Buy, and so we get to say good by to everyone

At 2:30 we will be then be holding the bring and buy event , players participating in the games are invited to bring their excess guns and equipment and display them for sale to the other players when we finish

Great chance to snap up a pre-Christmas bargain or make some extra cash before Christmas.

(2:30pm – 4:00pm site will be open for the bring and buy after the games)

We will also be running a few 5 on 5 pistol shoot out games in the CQB with a prize for the best team

Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions and our information on our COVID-19 Safety Precautions and requirements before booking your game.