Sunday, 18th June 2023 08:30 – 16:00
Hire Gun Package Details:
Total price £45. Full payment required with your booking to reserve your Gun, ammo and facemask which will be given to you on the day along with training on how to use the equipment safely before the game commences.
Please note:
We will not accept any Hire Gun booking where the FULL price has not been paid.
Site Rules & COVID-19 Safety:
Please be sure that you have read our site rules and our COVID-19 Safety Precautions and requirements before booking.
The Story
A meteorite was uncovered in Africa at the end of 2012.
Inside the rock was an Alien Virus…
Long dormant the virus infected any living tissue upon contact.
The effects of the virus range from massive cellular and genetic mutation (eventually turning the host into one of the Aliens) to basic infection that rendered the carrier a slave drone to the Alien hierarchy.
SPECON command deduced the following information:
1) The initial infected, those who made contact with the Meteorite itself underwent massive mutation, known as Elders, they no longer resembled the host, enhanced both physically and mentally, they are effectively a new Alien life form.
2) Elders can heal very rapidly and SPECON agents reported seeing gunshot wounds healing in seconds during conflicts.
3) The Elders appeared to retain all of the original host memories, but motor function and higher thoughts are now entirely under the control of the sentient virus.
4) The Virus can be passed on to other humans by the Elders, it modifies areas of the human brain on a genetic level and allows a psychic connection between the Elders and lesser infected human workers (known as Drones).
5) The Drones are still human in appearance, those who have been touched by the an Elder for only a few moments become infected, this allows the virus to lay dormant in the brain.
6) The Drones can be Activated at any time by the Elder once physical contact is made, often returning to their normal lives until needed, retaining the hosts memories they can infiltrate organizations and governments undetected.
The only sign of this initial infection, are tiny genetic alterations made to the host’s brain allowing psychic commands from the Elders to be received, making them the perfect sleeper agents.
The Motives of these dangerous and infected individuals were uncovered by SPECON, The infected were stealing components for constructing a machine for the Alien masters.
This machine would have be able to contact the Alien home world, and call an army to colonize the Earth.
SPECON had only one chance to stop them and destroy the machine before the signal was sent…
The Mission succeeded, and the Alien forces (now known as Soldiers of Anarchy) were defeated at last.
SPECON had prevailed.
However despite being massively weakened and their leaders either being killed or captured, some of the infected Drones did escape….
Fortunately for humanity, The loss of the Elders left the infected drones that escaped unable to infect anyone else.
Several such cells of these drones have been uncovered and destroyed over the past few years.
Recently however evidence became apparent that one of the Elders was still out there…
SPECON Agents operating in Brazil discovered a cell of drones operating from an abandoned logging camp, the Agents did not report this discovery, instead they reported the site as all clear.
It was later uncovered back at SPECON command that the agents were infected with the Alien virus.
There was only one explanation, one of the Elders had escaped… and was able to replicate the infection process.
The potential for a repeat of the Alien outbreak is now a reality …
SPECON launched an assault against the Aliens, but the Elder was able to escape during the conflict.
Now over a year later SPECON are still searching.
A single Elder is capable of creating hundreds of infected Drones in that time, and it is now feared that a small army of infected will be protecting it.
Recent information has led them to a remote diamond mine in Brazilian Jungle.
Sources believed the aliens may have once again covertly taken control, and are using the mine to fund procurement of weapon and the materials needed for building some kind of device.
if a large scale force were to arrive at the mine, it is likely the Aliens drones would inform the Elder, and it would flee before they got near.
Instead a hand-picked team of covert operatives will make their way to the site through the jungle and attempt to capture the Elder and destroy the drones before they know what hit them.
As a last resort should the team fail in the mission a contingency plan is in place.
As a failsafe if the mission fails, a device the Agents are transporting will detonate, and destroy the area before the Infected and the Elder controlling them can make an escape.
This would result in many civilian casualties as well as the Agents themselves, but the Alien menace must be stopped at any cost.
Find out the fate of the Agents in out next exciting game: Alien Assault
Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions and our information on our COVID-19 Safety Precautions and requirements before booking your game.