Sunday, 12th February 2023 08:00 – 16:00

Hire Gun Package Details:

Total price £45. Full payment required with your booking to reserve your Gun, ammo and facemask which will be given to you on the day along with training on how to use the equipment safely before the game commences.

Please note:

We will not accept any Hire Gun booking where the FULL price has not been paid.

Site Rules & COVID-19 Safety:

Please be sure that you have read our site rules and our COVID-19 Safety Precautions and requirements before booking.

The Story

What is known so far…

Two weeks ago a raid was carried out on a secret safe house in Germany, SPECON security forces were over run and a safe containing classified artefacts was taken by unknown assailants.

SPECON are now searching for these missing artefacts,  they have established through several illegal hacks that the thieves were a criminal organisation known as “The Firm” who were unwittingly hired to take the safe.

This group of professional thieves were unaware of its contents.

SPECON have kept all information retaining to this investigation highly classified, hinting that sensitive technologies were covertly held at the location.


What was known to only a few…

Only Usrekistahn President-elect Olaf Abakumov, and a few high ranking SPECON Officials knew what was really in that safe…

12 years ago when Usrekistahn separated from Russia, General Saiem had ransacked several Russian vaults during the border disputes and the reclamation of land that followed the split.

Inside the secret vaults lay technology sealed up from WW2.


During the Nazi rise to power, Hitler had been obsessed with the occult and a secret arms race of a sort had existed between all the super powers. The goal was to develop any potential weapons from any supernatural means.

The Russians had their own division known as the Department for Paranormal Sciences, under the command of Ninel Sergeyvna Kulagin.

The Department studied any and all paranormal anomalies.

Research and development were conducted in the secret vaults, and many were sealed and forgotten about after the end of the war.


One of these vaults was opened by General Saiem, it held three artefacts of unknown origin.

These artefacts were known as the Кубики тессеракта or Tesseract cubes.

Each had a different property; the Red Cube could produce unlimited energy (and was used to power the Vault it was hidden in) the Green Cube could be used to glimpse visions of the future when touched (however those that use the cube usually died of brain tumours within days) and the final blue cube was more sinister still…

The Blue cube was seen as a gateway, or portal to another realm or dimension, those who came into contact with it where changed.

Within hours of physical interaction, the test subjects became hosts for creatures from another dimension, their bodies would become mutated and changed.

The minds of the subjects now under the control of the creatures that possessed them.

These entities were incredibly malevolent, and all of the test subjects used as “hosts” had to be destroyed shortly after creation.

The Cubes were found after Saiems exile, along with all the records of the experimentation that lead to the discovery of each cubes function.

Hidden away in the Usrekistahn Presidential Palace, they had not been discovered by SPECON during the annexation of the former warlord.

It was months after President-elect Olaf Abakumov took office, that he was alerted to their discovery by his staff.

Security protocols and safety procedures had been put in place to secure them, the Cubes were being transported by land to a newly built underground vault hundreds of miles from the nearest population centre.

Here they would be safely and secretly contained and studied.

However, the cubes never made it to their destination…

The convoy lost contact, and the retrieval team sent to investigate never returned, the mutilated corpses found hours later by a second team.

The cubes were gone… and so where the original soldiers sent to escort them.

The soldiers had been M.I.A for seven months, finally in desperation … the President-elect contacted SPECON for assistance

SPECON Intelligence agents finally tracked down missing troops, who had formed a cult that was operating out of an abandoned church near an isolated rural village in the Usrekistahn mountains.

SPECON Special Forces assaulted the village, heavily armed and under strict instructions to bring back the Cubes at all costs.

After a pitched battle the cubes were recaptured and the cultists destroyed.

It was decided by SPECON Command that the existence of this technology could not be allowed to be known to the world at large.

Knowledge of the cubes existence may lead to governments seeking to control them, and is they ever fall into the wrong hands untold dangers would be unleashed on the world once again.

They were locked away at 3 separate locations in 3 separate countries, and even those appointed to guard them would have no clue to what it was they were protecting.

And so, for the past eight years the Cubes have remained in the three hiding places never to see the light of day again.

Until now…

After the robbery at the German safe house one of the cubes is missing, and SPECON are once again desperately searching for it.

Though their advanced global spy network, it is believed that another cult maybe forming in the German Black Forest.

A German military outpost on the edge of the Black Forest was recently attacked by unknown forces, and weapons and ammunition from stockpiles stored there was ransacked.

Stranger still no call for aid was made from the outpost, suggesting either the cultists have the ability to cause a communications black out, or that they somehow over powered the 100 plus soldiers stationed there before they could raise the alarm and call for aid…

The bodies of the solders and staff were found mutilated and displayed in a grotesque fashion.

Fortunately the remote location  of the outpost has meant SPECON has been able to keep this information from the media.

The Black Forest has been closed to the public for the next week, the German Government using the guise of sensitive military training exercises as the excuse to the public and media.

A SPECON strike team from R.A.I.D* has been briefed and is inbound to the Black Forest in the hopes of tracking down the Cult.

Armed with the best weapons and technologies SPECON can employ, they still face an enemy of unknown strength.

What will the Agents find in the Black Forest? And has a new Cult arisen?

Find out in our next exciting game – The Cult of Chaos: reawakening


*Rapid Action Incident Deployment (R.A.I.D)

Formed in mid-2011 under the highest secrecy levels afforded by SPECON and contributing counties, R.A.I.D units are intended to address the “non-standard” assignments that are cropping up across the world in increasing numbers.

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