Sunday, 8th May 2022 08:00 – 17:00
Hire Gun Package Details:
Total price £45. Full payment required with your booking to reserve your Gun, ammo and facemask which will be given to you on the day along with training on how to use the equipment safely before the game commences.
Please note:
We will not accept any Hire Gun booking where the FULL price has not been paid.
Site Rules & COVID-19 Safety:
Please be sure that you have read our site rules and our COVID-19 Safety Precautions and requirements before booking.
The Story
The Cartel known as The Templada have taken over Bolivia turning it into a narco state, the countries own government and military forces are on the payroll and turn a blind eye to their operations , SPECON agents tried and failed to take them down during a series of covert operations in 2021, and were eventually forced to stop all activity and flee the country, when an unknown leak from within SPECONs own ranks betrayed the identities of the undercover agents to the cartel.
Now a year later the Templada flourishes, with no opposition left in play they have tightened their grip on the country, and are now one of the largest drug cartels on the planet.
However things have taken an unexpected turn, a new Cartel known as “The Predators”* has begun to launch a series of attacks against them.
An all-out cartel war has erupted in Bolivia and the body tole is high including many civilians caught in the cross fire, the corrupt government has only so much tolerance for such public violence and has since granted access to SPECON agents once again, permitting them in secret to launch covert operations within the country.
This time must be different, a small group lead by Field Operations Commander Adah Weissman are to be the onlly ones brifed on this mission.
A handpicked team that will once again go against the cartels in Bolivia , their identities to remain know only to the Commander herself.
This time they will truly be on their own, no back up at all except for encrypted messages from the Commander.
Their mission is simple, take down both waring cartels at any cost……
*The Cartel are known as “The Predators”, formally the Salamanca Cartel operating out of Mexico.
When their boss was assassinated by federal agents , the cartel reformed under new leadership and fled Mexico before they could be brought to justice.
Left without a home or supply chain, they used the knowledge gained from there former position to launch attacks on their rivels , stealing what they needed to re-arm and refinance.
Thus earning themselves the name “The Predators”.
with no alliance to anyone they are becoming increasingly dangerous and constantly moving from country to country, launching brutal all out attacks on the infostructure of any rival cartel or crime syndicate.
They will literally steal any amount of product or cash a cartel has in its possession, and by murdering its leaders destabilise the operations until it is wiped out completely.
When the bones are picked clean, they move on, using the wealth gained to attack larger more lucrative targets.
A situation that has led to them becoming increasingly powerful and harder for authorities to trace.
Removing cartels in itself would actually be beneficial to none corrupt government authorities, if the predators did not also leave a massive wake of civilian casualties during this process.
And since they are financed with blood money and stolen drugs, the problem dose not really go away, rather it becomes an international threat.
its seems there latest target is Bolivia and ” the Templada” Cartel.
Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions and our information on our COVID-19 Safety Precautions and requirements before booking your game.