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War Games: Storming Area 51 4/8/19

Sunday, 4th August 2019 08:45 – 17:00

Hire Gun Package Details:

Total price £40. Pay 50% (£20) deposit now online when you book your ticket and 50% (£20) cash on the day. Your deposit reserves your Gun, ammo and facemask which will be given to you on the day along with training on how to use the equipment safely.

Please note:

We will not accept any Hire Gun booking where the deposit has not been paid.

Site Rules:

Please be sure that you have read our site rules before booking.

The Story

War Games: Storming Area 51

Special Contained Operations Units (SPECON)

In 2008 NATO high command and several other agencies devoted a comparatively small amount of funding to the SPECON project.

The success of the rapid-response milti-role taskforce led to the creation of several more active units, which saw service in many locations throughout the world.

SPECON’s success lay in each unit’s ability to act independently of centralised command while executing missions in hostile territory.

The rapid-response and high success rate of the SPECON units eventually led to them being named as the official military peace keeping force for both NATO and the U.N in 2011.

SPECON Units take only the best and brightest. New recruits are trained vigorously, using a combination of war-games with tazer based weapons, and advanced Virtual reality simulations utilising holographic technology to give them first-hand experience on a wide verity of potential missions and battlefield strategies.

Recent world events have seen social media groups organize an event called “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us.”

Per the event description, attendees are invited to fly out to Nevada, meet up at the known location of Area 51 and coordinate entry to the base.

The goal is supposedly to break into the highly secretive and secure military compound, which has often been characterized in fiction as a place where the US government houses and researches alien technology.

The thinking goes that if a bunch of people head toward the high-security base at once, the military won’t stand a chance of stopping them.

The event description also eerily notes, “If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets – Let’s see them aliens.”

SPECON scientists are trying to discover the meaning of “naruto run” currently, but fear this may be some form of new black market military technology.

The “Storm Area 51” event has gained traction online, drawing reactions across multiple social media platforms.

Thousands of Facebook users have agreed to attend, to travel out to the famed site in search of extra-terrestrial beings.

Unfortunately facebook users are not the only ones that have taken interest…

The militia movement is a right-wing movement that arose following controversial standoffs in the 1990s.

It inherited paramilitary traditions of earlier groups, especially the conspiratorial and anti-government ideals held by the more extreme.

Sworn to oppose a tyrannical government. The movement’s ideology has led some adherents to commit criminal acts, including stockpiling illegal weapons and explosives and plotting to destroy buildings or assassinate public officials.

This could lead to a potential armed conflict with civilians on the base…

Before a cadet can graduate to one of the active SPECON Units, they must first attend the Fort Brag Training Facility for a minimum of 8 months, and finally face the qualifying exam.

This final test is a series of games designed to test if the recruits have the relevant combat ability needed to survive in the field.

Cadets must be well versed in military tactics, techniques, and the various strategy that government, military, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies use to combat or prevent Global and local threats.

This year’s graduation games will see cadets put into a scenario similar to the potential out come at Area 51.

Operators will be tested in controlled situations, where military personnel would need to protect a base and its assets against an attack by armed militants or civilians.


Join us and find out in out Next Exciting Game…. War Games: Storming Area 51

Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions before booking your game.